Battles 2vs2 All Styles

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16 - 17 November 2024

International Dance Festival


DanceSport Edition

Sports - Arts - Gala

Welcome to our DanceSport World of 'Kalamata Dance Challenge' 

 EXCITING NEWS!- New Dance Challenge 2024!!!

As part of the 6th KALAMATA DANCE CUP, a Battle All Styles, will take place. The 

Battles 2vs2 All styles will be held outdoors.

Date: Saturday, 16/11/2024, afternoon - evening

Place: Will be announced...

Registration for Battles is done through the official platform. (Double entry is required. If someone does not have a partner, they can register alone, and the organizers will pair them up).

Description: 2 couples 4 dancers! Each dancer has to give their best by dancing for 40 seconds to random music and convince the crowd to get the loudest applause to reach the final! The couple that will reach the final will have a dance battle between them to decide the winner!

Battle Participation Cost:

  • Contest participants: €10
  • Non-contest participants: €15
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